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The Challenge of Starting Something New

Starting something new can be incredibly difficult, especially if you hate leaving your comfort zone. Whether you’re making changes to your eating style, exercise routine, or any area of life for that matter, it is not easy. That is what I have been struggling with recently. I’ve always wanted to start a website and now here I am. But truth is…

I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing.

Starting a business is not something I thought I would ever do. However, recently it has felt like the best thing for me. Aside from a class or two in nutrition entrepreneurship, I learned very little about businesses while in school. There are so many other topics that need to be covered in nutrition and dietetics programs that some areas are only touched upon. I was very thankful to have those classes, so I was exposed to the possibilities of dietitians in private practice and even virtual practice. And if I’ve learned one thing about entrepreneurship, it’s that you may never feel ready and to just start. But I can’t help but wondering if I am trying to jump into this too soon. Who knows! One thing I am sure of is…

I have a ton of ideas.

There are a lot of things that I want to and it is taking me a little longer than I had hoped to figure it out. It also didn’t help that my tablet took a dive out of the car a few weeks ago and smashed into pieces (I have yet to get a replacement). You know that feeling when it seems like everything is fighting against you? That has been me lately. It doesn’t help that living with a spinal cord injury can feel like a full-time job at times. Despite feeling overwhelmed and a little scared, I’m really excited about some things I have in the works for you guys.

It has been a bit of a rocky start, but I won’t let it discourage me. It’s been nearly a month since my last post. We all have to start somewhere. While I may not have a lot of experience with websites and blogging, I do know nutrition. So my photos may not be the best, but I can assure you the information in my posts will be very useful.

You can expect to see posts on nutrition basics, tips for eating on the go, ideas for simple meals and snacks, and even updates on what is going on with me.

So bear with me while I get started in this new adventure.

If there is something on your mind or a topic you want to learn about, please let me know! I’d love to hear from you!



  1. Kirsten Screen, MPH, RD, LD Kirsten Screen, MPH, RD, LD

    Great message!

    • Liz Dunn Liz Dunn

      Thank you!

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